Random things about your photographer - Get to know meTodays blog post is all about me. Kinda weird right, well no. I decided that we have so very many new people in both of our private groups as well as on the page that I should do a little " random things about me" post. Alot of you have no idea who I am, what we do out here in the middle of no where and where our studio is ! I hope I get to meet you all one day ! Above featured here are a bunch of really random images. All cell pics naturally as I am always behind the camera and not in front of it. Here are some things that myself and family.
I hope this gave you some insight to who I am in the everday that we live. I'm sure your list of random facts is full of things no one else could imagine. Just for fun I challenge to write down 10 of them. What are 10 random facts about who you are?
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